WENE ERP+CRM has the GNU open source licence.
WENE is a full blown multi user, multi sites, multi language (English and German included, coding free translation to any other language possible) ERP and CRM system supporting transaction processing and a wide range of ERP and CRM functionality.
It comes with an application builder to design the backbone of any MySQL based application with parametrization (coding free), a script language WENEscript, an outbound e-mail client, …
It is currently productive at company
Flix Karniesen und Sonnenschutz GmbH & Co KG
WENE was developed in HMG Harbour Minigui development environment and programming language – http://hmgforum.com
It is running on MS Windows 10 based on
MySQL community server release 5.6.48 https://downloads.mysql.com/archives/community/
and other open source tools.
Many thanks to everyone involved at company Flix and of course to everyone contributing to the broad open source base of WENE!
Here you can download WENE installation guide, a complete WENE V2.1 open source version and the code book (detailled technical documentation):